Connecting Languages, Connecting People

English Communication Education
Vietnamese Connect specialises in providing teachers, language specialists for businesses and individuals who would like to learn Vietnamese and other foreign languages before going abroad to do business or just simply for holiday abroad. Especially, we have communication English classes for Vietnamese who are living in the UK and want to improve their English skills, in order to have effective communication with their clients. Our teachers are both Vietnamese and British, hence we ensure that after English courses you will get your confidence in English communication and higher job performance.
Likewise, we also assist other foreign nationals with English training course before they come to study or do business in the UK. Not only language but during classes, we also provide our clients with useful knowledge about the cultures, transportation system, accommodation, how to adapt and fully support after they have arrived in the UK.
When you participate in our English class it is also the chance for you to join in our Vietnamese group in the UK, expand your social network and meet friends. After classes, we can hang out together, enjoy foods and share life experience. If you want to register our English course, please click in the button below and fill in the register form. Or if you want further information, do not hesitate to leave us a message, we will contact you shortly.
Our English Class
Our English class is in the centre of London, the address is Cameo House Business Centre, 11 Bear Street, London WC2H 7AS in which the traffic is very convenient.
The time of each lesson is 20h-21h30 on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday